We are currently taking a break. Products from our shop will be unavailable until 1st May. You can still visit us weekly at Salamanca Market site 45.
Thank you for your patience and apologise for any inconvenience.

Olive Oil Soap – Pure unscented


The original Olive & Ash soap, this is truly natural skincare – a gentle and effective Castile soap traced back to the eight century. This traditional bar enriches the skin with pure ingredients, without detergents, fillers or fragrances. Ideal as a shampoo bar, for those with sensitive skin, including babies or people experiencing eczema and psoriasis or other skin which reacts to everything or those who just like a simple soap that does what it says it will.

Our most popular product


SKU: N/ACategory: Skin Type: Product ID: 245
More Information

single unpackaged, single boxed, 5 Pack (unpackaged), 10 pack (unpacked)


Saponified Tasmanian extra virgin olive oil