With our environment getting more crowded with toxins, we’re seeing a rise of conditions like ADHD and autism in kids.
Research indicates that daily exposure to toxins, found in common things like food, carpeting, personal-care items like toothpaste, and various cleaning products, could significantly impact conditions like ADHD, autism, and learning disabilities.
Glyphosate (found in things like Roundup) and triclosan are two major culprits – they’re found almost everywhere, plus we’re also dealing with the growth hormones in our food.
Kids, especially infants, are at a higher risk due to their still-developing biological systems.
While these are complex disorders that don’t have quick fixes, taking small steps at home can lessen the toxic load on kids’ bodies and minds.
Here are some quick tips:
🌳 Get your kids playing outside every day – dirt’s actually good for their immune system.
📵 Try to limit their screen time.
😴 If they’re struggling with sleep, a bath with Epsom salts can work wonders.
🍊 Essential oils like Lavender (for girls), Peppermint, Orange, and Lemon can help calm them down. Have your child sniff a few at a store and see which ones they prefer.
🥬 Go for organic veggies where possible and avoid pesticides.
🧼 Avoid commercial sanitisers – they’re often full of who-knows-what. Look for a simple, natural one instead.
🚰 Ditch the tap water – there’s too much stuff in it. Go for purified water.
🫧 Try making your own cleaning products and opt for chemical-free washing supplies. Check out my DIY video tutorials on how to make natural all-purposes cleaner, dishwashing liquid, and glass cleaner. These are all made with our 100% natural Liquid Castile soap.
Remember, you’ve got control over your home environment. If you can keep things clean and natural most of the time, it’ll take the pressure off when your kids are out and about.